
Music Ministry

The Lutheran church has always welcomed music in worship as a way to serve the One who has first served us. We return thanks to the Triune God by singing and playing instruments. Our music making serves not only as praise, but also as a way to proclaim the Gospel to others and as a way to teach the faith.

Our church continues the Lutheran tradition of singing hymns and songs that proclaim our belief that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8 & 9). St. Paul’s uses the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) as its hymnal. The groups providing music for worship at St. Paul’s are:

Adult Choir: The adult choir meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7PM. from Labor Day through Memorial Day. This group is made up of adults and high school students. 

Children’s Choir: This choir meets Monday afternoons at 3:00 pm . from September through the end of the school year. It is made up of children in grades 2-8. 

Handbell Ringers: The handbell ringers practice on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm from Labor Day through Memorial Day. The group is open to adults and also to students with some previous musical experience.

In addition to the above groups you are also welcome to serve as a vocal soloist or as an instrumentalist. If you are interested in serving as a musician at St. Paul’s please contact our music director Tim Horst.

